
Showing posts from October, 2023

Artificial Intelligences' Bright Exterior has Dark Interior Motives

 Artificial Intelligence's Bright Exterior has Dark Interior Motives by Jillian Drummond          The creators of artificial intelligence programs have gotten the world in an uproar about AI. They claim it can do a number of life-changing tasks with the help of their new technology. However, many artists have been wondering what these changes could mean for them and their careers.          Generative AI like ChatGPT claims to be able to write music and essays, manipulate media files, and much more all within seconds. For artists who have spent their whole lives perfecting their craft, this can be a little intimidating.  Image: Shutterstock     Being an artist is already enough of a challenge to try and  make a living off of, and with robots emerging in the artistic arena— you can bet it will only get much harder. A Forbes article recently tells of a work of art created by AI that even won an award at a state fair (read about that here ).      Seeing the income and recognition tha

Why are Musicians not Joining the Strike?

 Why are Musicians not Joining the Strike? by Jillian Drummond         Writers ( WGA ) and actors ( SAG-AFTRA ) have been standing in solidarity with each other for their rights against generative artificial intelligence, but why are musicians not joining the fight?  Image: Getty Images     Musicians today are facing the threats of artificial  intelligence on a similar scale as all other artists. AI can copy a certain  musician's voice, put it in their style, or even generate a combination of new beats and rhythms in a matter of seconds.      Unfortunately, unlike screenwriters and actors, musicians are not unionized neatly but instead are treated as independent contractors licensing their work.      So, in order for musicians to protect their art form, they must independently negotiate—putting them many steps behind. Fortunately for vocalists, they can be included with SAG-AFTRA , but instrumental musicians must go through the American Federation of Musicians ( AFM ).     With tho

Can Artificial Intelligence Match Human Creativity?

 Can Artificial Intelligence Match Human Creativity? by Jillian Drummond     Many people across the world are concerned with the potential capabilities of artificial  intelligence at the rate they are evolving. Even back in 2014, big names in science like Steven Hawking and Elon Musk warned about the potential destruction AI could cause. Read more about that here .     The underlying problem with artificial intelligence is that these programs are trained on existing data and records. So, when fed more and more data, these AI programs only get stronger and more accurate, whereas humans are much more limited.  Human vs AI Artworks | Credit: Harsha Gangadharbatla, Empirical Studies of the Arts     But, is it just a new arrangement of previous works that these programs have scrapped? Or is it really a "new" work of art?     The answer is fairly simple... so far. Nothing technically "new" is being created.  Humankind's creativity is built from real-life experience an

Spirits Raised After Writer's Guild Contract is Reached

Spirits Raised After Writer's Guild Contract Is Reached by Jillian Drummond     With the rise of streaming services, the demand for new shows and movies has increased juristically. This access to even more entertainment at the push of a button has put a squeeze on the entertainment industry. Writers and actors are having to work more jobs  to keep up with this demand and for the same amount of pay they previously made with the old cable television business model. On top of that, they are now being threatened by the development of artificial intelligence.      AI models have been trained using writers' previous works, and production companies such as Disney,  Netflix, and Discovery-Warner have been dumping money into training their artificial intelligence to cut out their writers and actors. Credit: TNS     After 148 long days of striking for their rights against artificial intelligence, the  Writer's Guild of America  has finally reached an agreement with the big production

Students Are Using AI to Do Their Homework

 Students Are Using Artificial Intelligence to Do Homework for Them by Jillian Drummond     Currently, teachers across the world are struggling with this new technology in a whole different aspect than the rest of us, which is teaching their students. Many programs have  emerged with the development of AI, including programs that can write essays while dodging plagiarism filters.       The top three programs in the field are  Textero.AI ,  Jasper AI , and  Copy AI . These types of programs are meant to write for you in an academic style and are marketed with questionable phrases including "plagiarism-free".  Image: Evolving AI by John Darkow     This has introduced teachers (who already do not get paid nearly enough) to a whole new and unique obstacle.       Sure, there are now programs that schools and universities have found that can predict the likelihood  of essays being written with AI— but how credible are those programs... that are also based on using AI?     The leade

Artificial Intelligence Kills Human Creativity

Artificial Intelligence Kills Human Creativity by Jillian Drummond      Hi guys,      I'm glad you found your way here.      My name is Jillian Drummond and as a lover of all things artistic, expressive, and a little silly— it kills me to see how often people are being over-reliant on artificial intelligence.       Not only that but how it is advancing far quicker than we can control and regulate it. Yet people do not seem to care or think that it can pose a threat to all of us.         I aim to bring more attention to the potential damage that could result from the unregulated growth of artificial intelligence. Everyone needs to be aware that what could happen to the art economy, will eventually spread to all aspects of labor and interfere with our human rights.  Credit: Getty Images      Art is freedom of expression. It allows us to connect with one another and paint our emotions: our struggles, our loves, and our fears. It can be used as a platform for social justice and communi