Students Are Using AI to Do Their Homework

 Students Are Using Artificial Intelligence to Do Homework for Them

by Jillian Drummond

    Currently, teachers across the world are struggling with this new technology in a whole different aspect than the rest of us, which is teaching their students. Many programs have emerged with the development of AI, including programs that can write essays while dodging plagiarism filters. 

    The top three programs in the field are Textero.AIJasper AI, and Copy AI. These types of programs are meant to write for you in an academic style and are marketed with questionable phrases including "plagiarism-free". 
Image: Evolving AI by John Darkow

    This has introduced teachers (who already do not get paid nearly enough) to a whole new and unique obstacle. 

    Sure, there are now programs that schools and universities have found that can predict the likelihood of essays being written with AI— but how credible are those programs... that are also based on using AI?

    The leader of the AI-detection programs is Winston AI, which claims to have a 99.6% accuracy rate. But the grey line lies in that programs like Winston AI are only accurate when not proofread and not slightly changed by the person who used the essay-writing AI program. 
    So with a little tweaking of words and phrasing, students are able to manipulate their way around these AI-detection systems. Until we can find a way to effectively combat this major issue in our education system, we are back to square one.


  1. This comment was produced by chatgpt.

  2. This is a major issue for professors and teachers. My First Year Writing professor had a paper that was written by AI, put through an AI checker, and then tweaked to make it seem like it was made with AI and she was able to recreate almost the exact same paper. It is certainly possible to detect, but it wastes the professor's time, who is already incredibly busy with teaching and grading, and it's an incredibly lazy way to "do" an assignment instead of actually getting it done.


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