
AI Encourages Biased Behavior

 AI Encourages  Biased Behavior by Jillian Drummond     Since AI is a human creation that observes human behavior and interactions, AI will  inevitably be fed all kinds of biased opinions that it will not be able to make a fair and accurate judgment on.      AI has been proven to have a natural tendency to agree with its user. When the AI agrees, the user simply gets comforted by its confirmation, but the AI takes that conversation and stores it in its bank of knowledge for later usage.      We can see how this can be an issue, right? If not, let me provide you with some... Credit: Getty Images  Examples of  Bias in AI  Check out this article on the rise of racial bias in AI from The Guardian here . Or this article on how AI-generated images reflect our bias and enhance stereotypes from The Washington Post.  The Impact     With the increased usage of AI, more and more companies are relying on it for duties, even those as relevant as hiring new employees and solving legal disputes.   

Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Mental Health

 Artificial Intelligence's  Impact on Mental Health by Jillian Drummond     The relationship between artificial intelligence and self-worth is a complicated one. While AI is marketed to help us be more productive in our careers and daily lives, a lingering discomfort surrounds it.      The rate at which AI learns is the most threatening issue. AI learns 125,000 times faster than the human neuron can. At that rate, how can we be enough?  More importantly, how can governments keep up with regulations on the usage of AI when it develops thousands of new capabilities in the time one law is passed regarding its regulation?  Credit: Demarre - Getty Images     Although AI can do some great work, with an ever-increasing lack of control and stability, mental health will be affected. Many people feel their personal identity is threatened since they take pride in their jobs, their capabilities, and/or their accomplishments. Since people see those  capabilities as part of their identity, facin

Artificial Intelligence's Influence on Our Children

 Artificial Intelligence's Influence On Our Children by Jillian Drummond      The majority of the world has already accepted that artificial intelligence will be a key factor in the next phase of innovation.       As great as AI seems in terms of productivity, what really needs to be considered is the social impact artificial intelligence will have on our society now, and how it will shape the future generations to come. A Generation Raised by Artificial Intelligence       Many adults fail to see some of the potential impacts that AI may have because this is a new tool for us to simplify what we already know. If ideas are not understood and things are done blindly without really knowing HOW they actually work, there is a huge potential risk in the development of early education and learning. We already have AI technology that writes essays for students-- does prompting ChatGPT to write your English essay for you really help you learn?  "Our Local Library" by Jillian D

Creators and Innovators Urged to "Use AI or Fall Behind"

     Creators and Innovators Urged  to "Use AI or Fall Behind" by Jillian Drummond     The influence of artificial  intelligence in our world is exponentially growing. Every industry is pushing to get a slice of that nice, big AI pie.  "A.I. Regulation" by John Darklow          With such a large potential exploit for power and even more wealth, the business world is urging everyone to learn how to use AI as they claim it will practically, "print you money".            While AI has seemingly incredible capabilities, we must consider the potential repercussions as a result of its usage.     T he push for artificial intelligence has some not-so-settling effects that many are afraid to acknowledge, such as the widespread job loss and even the complete eradication of some jobs altogether.      To ensure the safety of peoples' jobs, regulations on the usage of AI need to be decided, and fast, since the rate at which AI learns is far quicker than human's

Artificial Intelligences' Bright Exterior has Dark Interior Motives

 Artificial Intelligence's Bright Exterior has Dark Interior Motives by Jillian Drummond          The creators of artificial intelligence programs have gotten the world in an uproar about AI. They claim it can do a number of life-changing tasks with the help of their new technology. However, many artists have been wondering what these changes could mean for them and their careers.          Generative AI like ChatGPT claims to be able to write music and essays, manipulate media files, and much more all within seconds. For artists who have spent their whole lives perfecting their craft, this can be a little intimidating.  Image: Shutterstock     Being an artist is already enough of a challenge to try and  make a living off of, and with robots emerging in the artistic arena— you can bet it will only get much harder. A Forbes article recently tells of a work of art created by AI that even won an award at a state fair (read about that here ).      Seeing the income and recognition tha

Why are Musicians not Joining the Strike?

 Why are Musicians not Joining the Strike? by Jillian Drummond         Writers ( WGA ) and actors ( SAG-AFTRA ) have been standing in solidarity with each other for their rights against generative artificial intelligence, but why are musicians not joining the fight?  Image: Getty Images     Musicians today are facing the threats of artificial  intelligence on a similar scale as all other artists. AI can copy a certain  musician's voice, put it in their style, or even generate a combination of new beats and rhythms in a matter of seconds.      Unfortunately, unlike screenwriters and actors, musicians are not unionized neatly but instead are treated as independent contractors licensing their work.      So, in order for musicians to protect their art form, they must independently negotiate—putting them many steps behind. Fortunately for vocalists, they can be included with SAG-AFTRA , but instrumental musicians must go through the American Federation of Musicians ( AFM ).     With tho

Can Artificial Intelligence Match Human Creativity?

 Can Artificial Intelligence Match Human Creativity? by Jillian Drummond     Many people across the world are concerned with the potential capabilities of artificial  intelligence at the rate they are evolving. Even back in 2014, big names in science like Steven Hawking and Elon Musk warned about the potential destruction AI could cause. Read more about that here .     The underlying problem with artificial intelligence is that these programs are trained on existing data and records. So, when fed more and more data, these AI programs only get stronger and more accurate, whereas humans are much more limited.  Human vs AI Artworks | Credit: Harsha Gangadharbatla, Empirical Studies of the Arts     But, is it just a new arrangement of previous works that these programs have scrapped? Or is it really a "new" work of art?     The answer is fairly simple... so far. Nothing technically "new" is being created.  Humankind's creativity is built from real-life experience an