Artificial Intelligence's Influence on Our Children

 Artificial Intelligence's Influence On Our Children

by Jillian Drummond

    The majority of the world has already accepted that artificial intelligence will be a key factor in the next phase of innovation. 
    As great as AI seems in terms of productivity, what really needs to be considered is the social impact artificial intelligence will have on our society now, and how it will shape the future generations to come.

A Generation Raised by Artificial Intelligence 

    Many adults fail to see some of the potential impacts that AI may have because this is a new tool for us to simplify what we already know. If ideas are not understood and things are done blindly without really knowing HOW they actually work, there is a huge potential risk in the development of early education and learning. We already have AI technology that writes essays for students-- does prompting ChatGPT to write your English essay for you really help you learn? 
"Our Local Library" by Jillian Drummond
    Time Magazine also pointed out that, "Along with parents, teachers and librarians have historically been the trusted custodians of children’s learning and are responsible for contextualizing difficult concepts, encouraging critical thinking, pointing out nuance, teaching research skills, fostering curiosity, and incubating empathy through stories. Now, as these custodians are being silenced and censored, they are simultaneously being replaced by profit-driven devices" -Susan Linn, Time Magazine. 
    We must consider the motive for the push of AI before we blindly let it have so much control over not only our lives but especially the lives of future generations to come. 



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