Creators and Innovators Urged to "Use AI or Fall Behind"


Creators and Innovators Urged 

to "Use AI or Fall Behind"

by Jillian Drummond

    The influence of artificial intelligence in our world is exponentially growing. Every industry is pushing to get a slice of that nice, big AI pie. 
"A.I. Regulation" by John Darklow

        With such a large potential exploit for power and even more wealth, the business world is urging everyone to learn how to use AI as they claim it will practically, "print you money". 
    While AI has seemingly incredible capabilities, we must consider the potential repercussions as a result of its usage.

    The push for artificial intelligence has some not-so-settling effects that many are afraid to acknowledge, such as the widespread job loss and even the complete eradication of some jobs altogether. 

    To ensure the safety of peoples' jobs, regulations on the usage of AI need to be decided, and fast, since the rate at which AI learns is far quicker than human's ability to do the same. 

    Without us regulating in which areas AI can and cannot be used, wealth and resources will end up being stratified even more than they currently are. Then the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer.

    Unfortunately, greed is a powerful driving force in this debate as explained in this article from Forbes which states, "Of course, it's one thing to get 28 nations to sign a document and another to get them to play nicely together while competing for their share of the $15 trillion that could be up for grabs across the global economy." 

    As much sense as it makes for most people to put regulations on artificial intelligence, there is sadly the underlying truth that some people will do anything to fuel their own greed-- a truth that makes the rest of us feel helpless in global situations such as these.


  1. The rise of AI can feel pretty bleak, but I think there's hope. We can get through it, ideally with as little job loss as possible. There will always be people being creative in ways AI never can.


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